May 6th – Save the date


The woodwork shop was kind enough to invite me back to teach a Monday night class on bench planes on May 6th.  Here is the blurb –

“This class will cover what is needed to get bench planes ready for work & how to use them to surface hardwoods from rough to ready for finish. If you have planes that need tuning, bring them with you for inspection. You will leave the class with a good understanding of how to sharpen the blade, tune the plane, and use these tools to surface hardwoods. Everyone will have an opportunity for some hands-on practice with a sharp plane.”

This class will build on my previous free Saturday demo.  The aim of the demo was to show why woodworkers need bench planes.  The Monday night class will be all about how to plane.  Most of the questions that I received on Saturday were around tuning and sharpening.  We will resolve those questions (I hope).

Bonus – If we have at least 6 people in the class I will donate a tuned, sharpened, vintage Stanley smoothing plane as a door prize.  That’s worth the price of admission for someone.


For anyone who stuck around after the last demo, I need your help.  I inspected someone’s jack plane and suggested that the owner spend no more time on that plane due to the low quality of most of the components. Well, some of his components were good and I found matching components he needs to make a functional plane.  Please help me find him so I can give him the parts he needs.  I don’t remember his name, but if you know who it was email me so I can offer him the pieces he needs (for free). My email is

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you on May 6th!

Bob Jones

4 thoughts on “May 6th – Save the date

  1. Pingback: Minimal Bench Plane Tuning | The Christian Tool Cabinet

  2. Pingback: Prep for upcoming Bench Plane class | The Christian Tool Cabinet

  3. Pingback: Upcoming classes | The Christian Tool Cabinet

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